意大利香料面包 (佛卡夏)
Made this fluffy herbs focassia today! Recipe is from Peng Fudong and I made half portion using a 19cm x 19cm square baking pan to achieve a tall bread.
500g bread flour
325g warm water
9g salt
3g instant yeast
75g water (to be added slowly in 3 batches)
35g olive oil
olive oil & water mixture ratio: 1:1 (for oiling baking tray/pan, dipping your fingers into the dough to make dimples)
1. Put flour, yeast and warm water into the mixing bowl. Use a dough attachment to knead the dough (slow speed first, then medium) until it comes clean from the sides of the mixing bowl.
2. Add water into the mixing bowl in 3 batches. For each addition, knead using slow speed first to avoid water splashing out of the mixing bowl. Make sure water is fully incorporated into the dough before adding the next batch of water.
3. Add olive oil and knead until fully incorporated. Do window pane test.
4. Lightly coat the baking pan with olive oil & water mixture, and line it with parchment paper. Transfer the dough to the baking pan, fold the dough onto itself (i.e. gently lift the edges of the dough and fold it towards the centre), flip the dough and tuck in the edges of the dough to make it rectangular. Cover the pan with clingwrap or cloth and proof for 30 minutes. At the 30th minute mark, repeat the folding (to incorporate air into the dough) and continue to proof for another 30 minutes.
5. Dab fingers in the olive oil & water mixture and gently spread the dough to cover the baking pan. Cover with clingwrap or cloth and proof for 1 hour.
6. Dab fingers in the olive oil & water mixture and gently press into the dough to create dimples. Add toppings (e.g. herbs, olive) and sprinkle salt.
7. Bake at 180 degrees celcius for 25 minutes. Transfer to wire rack to cool.
Note: To make olive oil soaked cherry tomatoes, cut 250g tomatoes into half, mix in olive oil and dried/fresh herbs, then roast in oven at 150 degree celcius until almost dry.
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